Is betting spoiling sport?
Worrying more about your multi than the outcome of the game/result? Are the only things your mates talk about is their ‘sure things’? Watching a game to make a quick buck/chase the value? Pissed off when things don’t go your way?
If this sounds like you or someone you know then betting is spoiling sport. It might be time to have ‘that’ chat and have we got some ‘tips’ for you…
Here's The Game Plan...
Clangers Happen
Have had light-hearted discussion with your mates but you might get a general response that it is “under control” or “just a bit of fun”. You also might get brushed aside and be told “it’s not a problem”. Don’t get disheartened if the response is not what you expected, saying something is better than saying nothing.
Alert them to the fact that their focus on betting is distracting you or taking them away from the game. Mention how it’s all they talk about, it’s only about wins not losses, how gambling affects their moods and how they miss those big moments. It might feel a little hypocritical to pull up someone for betting too much since you might do it as well. But it’s important if it’s ruining sports for you and might be a good opportunity for change.
Team Management
When chatting, remember to keep it simple. Say things like “Are you ok?”, “You don’t seem like yourself?” or “What’s going on for you right now?”, Don’t overthink it. Talk about the safety nets, like setting limits, deposit amounts or services like BetStop. Everyone needs a safety net. It’s something all gamblers can keep in the back of their mind.
Look Out For Your Teammates
You might be worried about having a tough conversation as it may impact friendships but letting your mates know that you’re not judging and you’re just worried about them is really important. If someone isn’t ready to talk about their gambling just reassure them that you will be available when they are.
Be Their Biggest Supporter
One of the best things you can do to support a friend is to listen to them. Don’t judge them. Make time to check in to see how they are going. Encourage them to seek professional help if you think it’s starting to become a little bit outside your wheelhouse.
Maybe it's time for a spell on the bench?
Be A Team Player
Have a think about how you interact with gambling in a social setting. Are you scrambling to get on a multi before the game starts? Are you begging the ‘guru’ of the group chat to send through their “sure thing”? These situations may indicate that you’re focusing more on gambling than you are on the game. Also, your behaviour might be fuelling gambling amongst your mates. Have a think before you fire off that message.
Captain's Call
What about if you’re worried about yourself? Who can you turn to? It takes a lot of guts to open up about gambling and it’s really hard to do. Sometimes your mates are the best people to share your worries with. If not, there are options online and over the phone that can help you make some positive changes. Visit Gambling Help Online for more information.
Sharing stories of gambling harm can help people in a number of different ways
Start the conversation with the kids in your life.
We all know it's important to have “the talk” with kids — this could be about relationships, peer pressure, alcohol or drugs. However, there is one talk that you may not have had…and that’s about the risks of sports betting and more broadly about gambling generally.
It’s the new “talk”. And it’s an important one.
How to have “the talk” with kids about the risks of sports betting?
If you need help to get started, here’s some tips:
Match-Day Preparation
Before you have "the talk"…
- Take a moment to reflect on your own thoughts, feelings and beliefs when it comes to sports betting and gambling. This may help you express yourself clearly and compassionately.
- Consider your own behaviour. How might your gambling habits be influencing or interpreted by the children in your life?
This can help you prepare for tricky questions about your own betting or help you explain the ways you keep yourself safe when gambling.
Kicking It Off
- Do you know what gambling is? Do you know what sports betting is? Can you explain it to me? How do you feel about it?
- The child’s answer to these questions will help you get an idea of their understanding and will guide the rest of your conversation.
- Have you noticed sports betting ads on TV, at the sports stadium or online?
- What do you think about sports betting? Does it seem risky? Why or why not?
- Do you think betting makes sport more fun and exciting? Do you think it's an important part of watching the game?
- Have your friends ever placed a bet on sports or something else? What do you think about that?
Rules Of The Game
- There’s no such things as a sure bet. While experience and knowledge about a sport can increase over time, luck and other factors will always influence the outcome.
- Gambling works on the rules of probability — the odds of winning don’t change no matter what you do or what you know.
- Advertisers often use incentives and promises of 'cashbacks' and 'bonuses' to make betting seem less risky. But the truth is it's still dangerous and these incentives do not increase your chance of winning.
- Betting companies need to make a profit to stay in business. The whole system is designed for the betting company to win more often than you do.
Strategy & Tactics
Tell stories
- Opening up about your experiences can help get a point across.
- Giving real examples can help kids relate to what you're saying.
Listen carefully
- Kids will talk more if you actively listen to them.
Time it right
- Choose a time when everyone is in a good mood and make it casual.
- Driving to sport or watching a game are great relevant times to have a chat about it.
Keep it light and use humour
- Add some laughter and silliness into the conversation — it keeps things interesting and means kids won't switch off.
Make the conversation relevant to them and their life
- Talk about the sports your kid is interested in.
Do it in small doses
- Lots of short conversations are better than long lectures.
- Kids won’t think you are harping on and they can absorb a bit at a time. That helps things stick.
Practice what your preach
- Young people are influenced by you — particularly when it comes to gambling.
- Be conscious of your own behaviour.
- Always explain the risks involved in any gambling you yourself do and the steps you take to keep yourself safe.
- Like setting time and dollar limits, taking time out from betting to do other things you enjoy, avoid betting when you are depressed or upset, and not chasing your losses.
Looking for more resources?
Love The Game (Not the Odds) has been working with Victorian sporting clubs for years and has developed a range of resources for parents and guardians, including this video about talking to kids (1:18 min)
Gamble Aware NSW also created some great resources to help get the conversation started, including clips about talking to teenagers about gambling (1:20 min).
Gamble Aware NSW has also created some content about how to talk to your kids about the gambling advertising they are seeing on TV, during sport or on social media (1:48 min).
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